Special Audio Topics Print


The following audio lessons explore the topics of Eternal Life and Heaven using the scriptures of the Bible. It covers many of the questions people have about heaven. Will we have a body in heaven? Will there be streets of gold? Will there be mansions? What will we do in heaven? Will there be a lot of people in heaven? It explores arguably the greatest treasure God has provided us: eternal life in heaven.

What Will It Be Like In Heaven I

What Will It Be Like In Heaven II

What Will It Be Like In Heaven III



The following audio lessons cover the topic of Creation, showing how faith, science and soul are in harmony when we consider the scriptures and the power of God. It compares the two prevelant models of thinking, Creation and Evolution, and shows how the answers to life's big questions are answered through Creation. A printable version of these lessons are available here.

Creation I

Creation II

Creation III

Creation 1V

Creation V



Are Christians sinners just saved by grace, or are Christians delivered from the bondage of sin? This lesson studies the scriptures to find the answer to this very important question.

Are Christians Sinners Just Saved By Grace?